The story of Barr Hill begins in 2011 with a beekeeper and distiller working together in one of the most beautiful agricultural regions on Earth - the Northeast of Vermont.

At Barr Hill they are on a mission to produce flawless, spirits that support the hardworking agricultural landscape. They strive to leave the lands and the rivers better than they found them, to leave their communities stronger, their pollinator populations healthier and the local farms more vibrant.

All of Barr Hill's spirits are distilled with, or from, raw honey.

During the tasting event, you'll have an opportunity to taste their classic Gin, the Tom Cat Barrel Aged Gin (A gin for the whiskey lover), and their Vodka, distilled from 100% raw honey. 

Friday, October 18, 2024

4PM -7PM

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Aperitivi Tasting

Friday 10/25 



Saturday 10/26

12-3 PM & 4-7PM

Join us for a curated aperitivi tasting featuring bottles we've recently been enjoying!