Golden Arak Ramallah


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Arak has ancient origins, and stands among the earliest distillates in human history. The term Arak (or in some cases Arrack) can refer to either cane distillates (as in Indonesia) or anise-flavored spirits. Anise-flavored Arak is the traditional spirit of the Levant region and the Middle East, and the higher-proof regional cousin to European favorites like sambuca, ouzo, and pastis. It is nicknamed the “Milk of Lions” for the way it turns a cloudy white when the anise oils meet water in the drinker’s glass.

Ramallah Distilleries showcases Palestinian specialty arak, and is considered to be one of the best-crafted araks outside of Lebanon. This is one of the most respected arak brands available. Family owned and operated since 1919, this was the first arak to be imported into the United States.

50% abv

Size: 750 ml