Peloton De La Muerte Vegan Pechuga Mezcal
Peloton de la Muerta mezcal focuses on creating artisanal mezcal using traditional methods, including the use of traditional earthen pits for cooking the agave and copper stills for distillation.
Produced by master distiller Rodolfo Obregón in Guerrero, Pelotón de la Muerte Pechuga is crafted with a blend of wild Guerrero agaves, namely Maguey Criollo and Ancho (A. Angustifolia Rubescens and A. Cupreata). These agaves are roasted and distilled together and then aromatic elements are added during the second distillation. A distinctively vegan pechuga, the Obregón family recipe excludes meat.
Boasting herbaceous flavors and hints of orange, lemon and wild agave, it is an exquisite mezcal.
45.1% abv